The young lady who gave birth to David was born on April 8, 1964. She was 5 feet 6 inches tall, weighed 130 pounds, had medium brown hair, blue eyes, and a medium completion. Her national background was Irish, French, and Italian, and her religious background was Baptist.
The young lady was a high school student who would be entering the ninth grade in September of 1979. She had missed one year of school at 12 years of age, cue to extensive back surgery necessitated by an accident that year. She was an excellent student and regarded her education as quite important. She very much enjoyed reading, language arts, and literature. She hoped to attend college after she completed high school. She was a well rounded teenager in her interests and abilities. She was talented musically and played in her school band for a number of years. She also took private flute lessons. She was also a well coordinated girl with a lot of athletic skills. She was an excellent swimmer and gymnast and really loved the out-of-doors. Her favorite sport was river rafting. This young lady was an extroverted person who loved people and who had developed a great deal of social skill for a girl of her age.
This young lady was very open about her pregnancy and was also certain throughout her entire pregnancy that adoption would be the best plan for her child. She was very eager to know that he would go into a stable, two parent, and Christian family. Although it was a very difficult thing for her to do after delivery, she did go through with the adoptive release.
This young ladys relationship with Davids father was one of being childhood friends for several years. Their relationship was not a sexual one, and the pregnancy resulted after some exploratory sexual behaviors on their part. Both were quite surprised by the pregnancy and the alleged father also agreed that the best plan for David would be adoption. He cooperated in all legal procedures.
The young ladys biological father was 35 years of age at the time of Davids birth, and was employed as an electrician. The young lady never knew this man and he had never been a part of her life. Her mother was 33 years of age and had become pregnant with this daughter out of wedlock at the age of 17. She had reared her as a single parent for almost two years, at which time she married and her new husband adopted this young lady. Her mother had completed high school and was a homemaker, although she had worked in secretarial positions. She was a devout Christian. The young ladys adoptive father gave the young woman a great deal of security, affection, and understanding throughout her growing up years. He was a born again Christian. Both parents were very supportive of their daughter and helped her through the pregnancy and delivery. Although the whole family were open in discussing plans for the possibility of keeping the child, all came to the realization that it would be in Davids best interest to be placed for adoption. The young lady had one brother, born to her mother and her adoptive father. He was 11 years old and in the sixth grade.
The alleged father of David was born on March 26, 1962. He was 5 feet 7 inches tall, weighed 150 pounds, had reddish brown hair, brown eyes, and a fair complexion. His national background was Welsh on his mothers side and Mexican-American on his fathers. His religious background was Baptist.
This young man quit school in the tenth grade due to some minor adolescent adjustment problem. Since that time he straightened out considerably and had set some worthwhile goals for himself. He had recently received his GED certificate, after successfully completing this high school equivalence test. At the time of Davids birth, this young man was employed as a mechanic and showed a great deal of aptitude for this trade. He was an intelligent young man who was quiet and did not readily express his innermost feelings. He was described as being witty, even tempered, and as getting along well with others.
This young man never knew his own father, who had divorced his mother the year he was born. His father would have been age 40 at the time of Davids birth, he had completed the eleventh grade, and he was working in sales in a department store. The young mans mother was 38 years of age, had a high school education, and had attended business school. She was employed as a sales woman for wholesale buyers. She was the sole support for herself and her children. She became a born again Christian and was an active member of a Baptist Church. The young man had one brother who was 19 years of age. This brother had completed the eleventh grade and was in the army. He was also married.
As to significant health history, there are very few concerns that need to be noted. The young lady herself had anemia due to the pregnancy. High blood pressure was known to exist in great grandmothers in both the young ladys and the young mans families. The young ladys grandmother and great grandmother both had diabetes which was controlled by diet.
David Ross was born on July 20, 1979 in Denver, Colorado. At birth he weighed 7 pounds 12 1/2 ounces and measured 20 inches in length. His APGAR ratings were 9 at both one and five minutes. His physical exam at time of discharge from the hospital was entirely normal. He had fine brown hair, large blue eyes, and a fair to medium complexion. David was discharged from the hospital on July 23, at which time he was placed in a licensed foster home through the Denver County Department of Social Services. David was transferred to a Bethany licensed foster home in Grand Rapids on August 18, 1979. He was placed with his parents on September 12, 1979.
Bethany Christian Services