Sunday, May 09, 2010

If I had Just One Wish

Ive lost 6.4 pounds in the last 2 weeks. Ive been counting calories. 2,000 a day. Hopefully by next week Ill be back down to 190 pounds. At that point Im going to up my count to 2,500. I think this week Im going to start exercising again.

Unpublished draft from April 20th:
TV on Tuesday night from 8-9 sucks. NCIS, Biggest Loser, American Idol and Dancing with the Stars results show. BARF. I wish ABC would go back to playing enhanced episodes of LOST.

Happy Mothers Day to my wife and all the other moms out there.

I used to think I was creative. Perhaps I was, but I dont know. I wrote a bunch of poetry. Sometimes Id like to get the band back together. Most of the time I dont feel like I have time.

I like putting commas in numbers. I refuse to put apostrophes in words. Its like the yin and yang. (' ,)

It always smells like an Asian restaurant outside my apartment. I wish my neighbors would invite me over for eating.