Friday, March 18, 2005

Cancel to stay on this page

Ive decided which hosting company im going to be going with but Im not going to sign up for it right now. Ive decided that I should have a website to put up if Im going to be paying money so Ill be building the website first. I will still be updating this here blog so check here for updates.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Im not like them, but I can pretend

I feel like Im the frickin Jew or Shedubeard. Whats it been 5 weeks since I last posted. Theres been alot going on in that five weeks. I completed 3 Zelda games for the first time each and also beat The Legend of Zelda again. The new ones I beat were Oracle of ages, The Minish Cap and Four Swords Adventure. Oracle sucks, Minish Cap is awesome but short. Four Swords looks like it could be great 4 player and was decent 1 player. If anyones got a Gameboy Advance and wants to come over and play multi player Four Swords bring it.

Another reason I havnt posted in some time is I was trying to get the blog back on the 64tacos. I got it on there but then the server didnt like the subdomain and couldnt find any of the archives. Then the tacos disappeared. I found out a couple days later that my free server was no more. This means that Ill have to pay, which means the sites going to be down for a little while. (A week or so)