Friday, February 23, 2007

Its a Secret to Everybody

1-title.gifIn this post I talked about how I had nearly accomplished everything in the FF7. At that point I had intended to still get my mans to level 99 (which Ive now done), have all my mans equiped with their own sets of materia (which Ive done), buy every item in the game and 99 of the ones that you can use more then 1 of (which Ive done), and max out my Gil (which I have not done). I assumed that you wouldnt be able to get more then 9,999,999 gil. I was wrong. Curently I have 7.8 million gill and no intention of finding out if you can get more then 100 million. On to the next video game project.

In the absence of a Wii, Ive decided to play every Zelda game in order of release with no help from stratigy guides or online forums. This should take me a couple months and by that time we should be able to get a Wii and the new Zelda, Twilight Princess.  Tuesday Ibeat the Legend of Zelda and today I plan on gong through The Adventure of Link.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

New Guy

new_guy-770358.jpgSo they hired another new guy at work. (Just in time to tell us that they dont have enough hours for everyone and theyre going to cut them back.) This guy is college age and seems to have a Boston accent. Hes shaped like a Nagel shaped but slightly more intellegent. Slightly. With the exception of me and old man Steve (old because hes not in his 20s like the rest of us) all the techs have or are going to one of the many mechanics schools in town. The new guy is a Political Science major. He doesnt fit in. Its not his fault entirely. Hes taking full time employees hours, sounds and looks funny, cares about government and wore a bright orange hunting shirt his second day. (It usually takes a week or so to get uniforms in when you first start so youre stuck wearing your own.

Being the good person that I am, I decided to take him under my wing. When I wasnt busy with my own jobs Id help him with the stuff he was doing. And if he wasnt doing anything while I was doing stuff he, as a tech 1, is able to do I would have him do it and tell him how. As a result whenever he had a problem he would come to me first for the solution. I dont really mind, Id rather he ask and do it right then have to fix the car again tomorrow when it comes back because he fucked up. Apparently I was a little harsh on him Monday. I came in Tuesday and a couple of us were talking about him and the other guys thought I was going to kill him. You all know Im very straight forward and to the point. These people havent picked that up yet. Well he called in sick on Wednesday and no call no showed today.  People are saying I scared him off. Oh well, at least my hours wont be cut.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Baby Needs

848.jpgI was looking around the onlines this morning before work. The doggies were doing their walk around the house watch the windows get excited about every noise in the morning thing they do. They were in the bedroom and Bishop was looking out the slider. Hoopsie came out and starter groweling at the guys working in the apartment across the hall. Bishop supprised me and didnt come running out to growl with his brother. Rather I just hear him attempt to growl and then whimper. This happens a couple times, so I decided to check on him. Well, my stupid dog has his head through the chain that opens and closes the the blinds. All he had to do was back up and he would have been free. But rather he decided to stand there with the chain taught enough that it made him stop moving forward. Im just glad he didnt pull the whole assembly down.

Just for fun I checked a less then well recomended "baby needs" website and they dont have anything in their safety section for this situation.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A Pig, In A Cage, On Antibiotics

bumpinasp.jpg"Does my bass bother you guys?"
"No, we dont really notice it."
Thats a lie my wife told "the elephants above" (band name?) a while back. She really likes bumpin it. Now, mind you, weve got some serious 5.1 going on down here so it isnt hard to drown her out, and drown her out we do.

So Im sitting here at my prehistoric computer, doing some online and its all quiet. I remember that with one key stroke on my glorious keyboard the iTunes will launch and randomly select a song from the hundreds of legally loaded songs on my hard drive. The first song that comes on is a 7 Mary 3 song and its good. Next is a Semisonic song and thats good as well. Thirdly, Radioheads Ripcord comes on. Glorious is the Ripcord, but Im listening to it on computer speakers. Sure theyre Boston Acoustic speakers and in their realm, they do well, but this is Radiohead. Im listening to this meticulously constructed music on 2" speakers with a 6" “subwoofer” when, a mere 12' away theres some serious Sony+JBL magic begging to be put to use. Granted, using the big system means I dont have the massive library at my finger tips. If I want to listen to something other then whats on the CD I select I have to get up and put a new disc in. Needless to say, I opted to bump it. Theres not a bad song on any of the Radiohead albums I own and some times you have to sacrifice convenience for quality. Plus its fun to see the candles rattle their way off the top of the TV.