
To tib someone is to strike their knee, especially with a hard object after pointing. While tibbing traditionally occurs on the patella, it has been known to be done to any protruding bone. (Ex: The clavicle, sternum, scapula.) Some say this is just a random act of violence, but a true tib is a work of art. To truly qualify as a tib, certain rules must be followed.


Origins of the Term 'Tib'

The term is a latin derivation which evolved in several steps over the years. During the late 80's, Montel, who was attending elementary school at the time, had an accident in the playground in which he fell on top of another student. The other student's leg was broken and contorted in an unnatural position under the other leg. Docters later described the injury as a 'tib fib fracture.' This term was stowed away in Montel's head for many years.
The memory of this accident was triggered years later by an unidentified horror movie involving werewolves. After seeing this movie in the mid 90's, Montel described to Shedubeard a particular scene in the movie which not only reminded him of the accident in elementary school, but also made him laugh hysterically. In this scene, a werewolf (Richard) is falling apart and/or melting when the bone in his leg suddenly snaps. Given that this all happened in the same era which saw the creation of Bishop's antifreeze and micromachines, the term stuck as a way to laugh at someone hurting their leg(s).
'Tib fib fracture' was often shortened to 'tib fib' and eventually just 'tib.'

First Modern Tibs

The first known tib likely occurred sometime in 1996. One evening while The Ugly Kid and Shedubeard were lounging in the basement, The Ugly Kid abruptly swung a semi-clear empty plastic Super NES case at Shedubeard. The Ugly Kid was known for his frequent random acts of violence towards Shedubeard. However, the unique sound of the case landing on Shedubeard's knee combined with the subsequent exclamations about 'being tibbed' resulted in the birth of the new art.


  • No one can be tibbed for the first time without being willing.
  • You are not allowed to tib if you are not willing to be tibbed yourself.
  • Willingness is displayed by consciously displaying your knee then pointing to it with both hands.
  • A tib can be forced upon anyone who has been willingly tibbed if the following circumstances are met.
  1. At least 2 other people point to their knee.
  2. A 3rd person is willing to do the tibbing.
  3. You can catch them.
  • Malicious tibbing is the act of tibbing someone without adequate points as listed above. The punishment for malicious tibbing is that anyone in the room can, and should, tib the malicious tibber with any object he/she pleases.
  • No object is too large or small when deciding what device to tib with.
  • God may tib anyone at anytime with anything, always. This is also known as a ‘self tib.’

Special Circumstances

  • New Year's resolutions are always being made where the consequence for not following the resolution results in a tib.
    • The mom joke resolution of 2005: Anyone who said a mom joke was subject to tibbing by anyone in the room, assuming they were also willing to be tibbed, with any device in the room.
    • The blog post consistency resolution of 2006: Stemshul and Shedubeard have agreed to allow anyone to tib them if they fail to post to their weblogs during a predetermined time frame. Anyone who has posted during the neglected period is allowed to tib, assuming they meet the tibbing rules stated above.

Tools of the Trade

Popular Devices

  • empty 2 liter soda bottle
  • empty 20 oz soda bottle

Other Known Devices

  • video game case
  • cymbal
  • Stemshul
  • buildings
  • Wakeem's toy bell mallet
  • hinged nutcracker
  • pizza dough tray
  • large size whisk
  • station wagon hatchback
  • candles
  • books

Famous Tibs

  • Richard's Leg
  • Montel falling on Pheesh's gun with his leg
  • Shedubeard having his knee slammed into the Empire State Building
  • Empty Popsi bottle repeatedly on TJ VanderMolen's bloody shin