Saturday, February 11, 2006

Kunta Kinte

For several Olympics now Ive been quite confused by the American athletes official outfits. Why do they say Roots on them, I would ask myself. Perhaps they really like everyones favorite 9 hour long slavery epic. Or maybe it has something to do with botany. Or maybe Im just really dumb and its the name of the company that makes the outfits. As tradition dictates, I am really dumb. Roots is the official outfitter of the 2006 U.S. Olympic team.

Friday, February 10, 2006


I love the Olympics. I dont care about them one iota when its the off time. For some reason though, I feel compelled to take the 2 weeks off and upgrade my cable so I get all of NBCs affiliates so I dont miss a second.

The opening ceremonies is one of my favorite parts. Theres all kinds of weird music and dancing and lights and pyrotechnics and balloons and Ferraris and small childrans singing. Then theres the lighting of the torch. Its just magical. Its like Disney World without the whole girlfriend cheating on you part. (Perhaps a little too personal but I dont mind being bitter.)

What its really all about is the bling. How many shiny things can the good old USA take home? How many of our mans and womans can go the fastest down a hill or around a circle? How many can jump the farthest or prettiest? Will I finally understand what the hell curling is? These are the questions that the next 2 weeks are all about.

Image found here.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Breakin the Law Breakin the Law

So I can be like my friends, Im changing my New Years Resolutions.

  • Smoke less (unless I feel like smoking more)

  • No fast food (unless I want some)

  • Post every day (unless I dont)

Thats all.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Dear Mr Shedubeard

Currently all those who are able to tib due to the Blog Post Consistency Resolution/Promise of 2006 are also using Blogger. As stated in the resolution they can only tib if they have posted during said neglected time. In order to tib they are just as likely to be blocked by said technical difficulties. Therefore, the shortcomings of the software act as a protector as much as an inhibitor.

Addendum denied.

However, if you would like to admit to your lust for small boys and retract your resolution, it shall be permitted.