Friday, April 29, 2005


Nearly 9 short hours ago, I finished reading The Ultimate hitchhikers Guide. Im not going to sum it up because I think that everyone who reads this blog has read, or is in the process of reading it. And really whats the point? The movies in theaters now.

So now Im ready to have everything I imagined and pictured in my head destroyed because in 9 short hours or so we will be watching The Guide on the silver screen. Being only the second real* book Ive ever read, Ive never had the problem a lot of people have with movies being released based on books. I had never read the book and there for the inadequacy of the movie couldnt ruin it for me. This, in my opinion, is one of the greatest flaws of books. Yes, its the books fault, I said it. That is to say, you spend hours upon hours to read an entire book, only to have it ruined by a 2 hour movie. Now Ive seen plenty of these movies that werent up to par with the book and I enjoyed many of them. I guess what Im trying to say is that there are so many things that I want to do with my time and spending 35 hours reading a story that I can spend 2 hours watching just doesnt seem worth it to me.

*Im not implying that Ive read fake books but rather that childrens books arent allowed to be counted when tallying up the number of books ones read.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Im waxin down so that I go really fast

Almost as if to say to the weather, "we dont care that its snowing in late April after a week of 64+ degree days," we went ice skating Friday. The usual crowd was there. You had the hockey boys there who convinced their girl friends to destroy their feet while they wore their perfect fitting Bauer and CCM skates. There was the figure skater chicks (my wife and her friend), working on their routine for the show. There were the idiots (my friends and I) who arent shaped right for ice skating anymore but arent afraid to make fools of themselves. Last but not least there was the creepy middle aged man with the expensive figure skates, headphones and little white gloves.

The skates were proving that they were capable of causing much more pain than anyone who was not already frozen would have immediately ended. Being the gluttons for pain that we are we decided that a synchronized dive would be necessary. We all got on the ice and started getting our speed up. The plan was to circle the rink until there was a clearing and then all dive at the blue line and see who could slide the farthest.

In the end it was determined that we all lost. Kato punctured his lung. Shedu broke his femur. I dislocated my shoulder. Were not sure what happened to uglytaco, but its rumored he teleported to Chicago.