Thursday, June 06, 2002

Stupid stupid idea (retro)

After looking at the results of the poll, it appears that all of you visit at least once a week and about half visit everyday. With this in mind I feel as though I haven't been fulfilling my duties. Unfortunately for the website work is occupying about 60 hours of my time a week. Because of this I'm left with little time to work on the website. As I know you all would like more content I am proposing this. If you have something that you find interesting and would like it to be viewed by anyone on the internet send it to us and we'll post it here in a new section we're calling 'The People's Voice'. It could be anything from a rant on how your hard shell tacos were soggy to a movie review. Our editors will edit it so don't worry about typing or spelling to much. If it's a movie review we ask that you use the 64taco movie review system. (We'll provide the pictures so don't worry about that.) I've added an email link to the menu so use it to send your stuff.

Quote of the Day:
  • That was enough heroin to kill an elephant.
Who said it? Shock Bill

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