Tuesday, August 10, 2004

When the Devil Came, He was not Red

Kato mentioned that we have entered the secret society that is Sams Club. Last night my boss asked me how I liked it and if Id found any good deals. I told him that we saved a lot of money on Clariton. He then says "Clariton, is that what you use? I can get you some Clariton." This is protocol with him. If youre talking about something he can do one of three things.

He either

  1. can get you some.

  2. knows the person who owns it.

  3. knows something better that you should use.

Now I have some, dont care who owns Clariton and dont think theres anything better out there for allergy relief. So how do I tell him to suck it. All I want him to 'get for me' is this.

  1. New uniforms when my old ones are tattered. (like they are now)

  2. A raise, say every year, that reflects my ability and contributions to the company.

  3. A work environment that I can look forward to being in no matter whos running the shift.

These are the things a boss should give his employees. I can get Clariton, cup cakes and Faygo if I want them. I cant get the other things by myself.

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