Sunday, December 12, 2004

Coming soon to a big screen near you

The largely unanticipated 4th kinda-annual Mario Kart tournament is just around the corner. It is tentatively scheduled for mid February 2005. The games not cheating, so start practicing now!


katohater said...

i'm only playing if we're doing co-op. i'm not losing another 5er just because i suck at powersliding. (r)

Beatrix Kiddo said...

Hey Kato I showed your mom my powerslide last night


katohater said...

i have a partner and his name is stemshul. we need a badass team name, like 'the eradicators' or 'the 9.0 optimizers'. something that will instill fear in the hearts of mans.

beatrix the store manager: was she wearing her helmet?

Beatrix Kiddo said...

yes it was a meat helmet