Thursday, September 08, 2005

Im Gonna Get My Magnum

Lately my blog has been getting more spam than an AOL account. Just as I was about to go Stalin on the comment options I noticed Blogger added a new feature. Now you can require "word verification". That means that the bots wont be able to comment because they wont be able to read the picture and type in the word to verify that they are a person. Im sure I didnt have to explain all that to most of you but it made my post longer, so suck it. Hopefully this shit will work. If not, this blog will quickly become communist Russia.


st. mary's 7 said...

Whoa...that's frickin' awesome. Yeah, you've been getting the shit spammed out of you lately. That sucks!

stemshul said...

I have been getting the shit spammed out of me. Theyve been sticking it right up my ass and leaving no room for any feces.

katohater said...

baby mice?