Monday, October 23, 2006

Get a Haircut and Get a Real Job

I had my interview. I went to the HR office at the Sears, told them I was here for an interview with the Car Care Center Manager. the lady told me to have a seat and shed call him. This was her end of the conversation.
Your interview is here.
How can you have the day off? You just got off of vacation.
Its the guy from Michigan who was here last week.
OK, Ill send him over.

So, I went over to the Auto Center and asked for the man. I was told that hes here but its his day off. I finally get to talk to him and the interview goes well. I have to take a drug test and have a background check.


katohater said...

good luck passing the drug test, pothead. we all know about you and your munchies.

i SiN said...

ahhh, the munchies.... Wait, but didn't he eat less taco's than everyone else? That is not how the munchies roll, those taco's would have been showed no mercy!

i SiN said...

Sweet new update!

jenna said...

umm Id like to be moved up in the blog roll here...I am your sister you know...neil is ahead of me ...i disown you

Stemshul said...

I didnt put them in order. Thats just how they are. And I dont know why.

jenna said...

sure...whatever..the order has changed

i SiN said...

move her to the bottom

jenna said...

what the hell do you have agaisnt me..person who never hangs out with the group.

i SiN said...

I have everything against you, person who is so extremely, freakishly short.

no i don't... i am just a loser "clevor bottom" =)