Sunday, April 01, 2007

Nothings Fine, Im Torn

homealone.jpg...and Im pretty excited. I have the whole day off tomorrow. Everyone else has to work. Theres no family in town. And Im almost done with my Zelda. I wont be able to do everything on the Zelda tomorrow. I could probably get through the rest of the plot but I havnt done very much as far as side quests go. Im sure I could spend the entire day on the side quests as well and still not get them done either. The crappy thing is I work the 4 days after that, then my dads in town for a couple days, then I work, the Deal or No Deal auditions (assuming I get the day off) then work some more. So this puts me at April 16th as the earliest Ill have the house to myself again. (Potentaly not until the 20th.)

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