Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Mustache month is here!

stache.JPGThis month I vow to, at the very least, post a mustache fact every day.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, in July 1993, Kalyan Ramji Sain of Sundargarth, India, had a mustache that measured 133.4 inches long.


Crazymom said...

31 facts about mustaches? That's more than I know about bubbles.

katohater said...

he can do it.

Crazymom said...

You guys need to come home for a visit soon cuz I think Neil has gotten a little jaded without you around. He's not even participating in mustache month! Even I think that's cool (and kinda scary).

katohater said...

neil? jaded? noooooo waaaaay!