Monday, June 11, 2007

Not That Theres Anything Wrong With It

newgirl.jpgFor one reason or another, I tend to work in places that are dominated by mans. Its not like Im doing a job that most women cant do, they just usually dont want to. Ive only worked with 2 female pizza boys (Jeaninus does not count) and 1 female mechanic until now. And its not like there arent girls working in these industries, they just tend to be the CSAs and such.

The new girl started yesterday. In preparation for her arrival the boss had all the guys put away their girlie calendars. girliecalendar.jpgIn the name of political correctness they obliged. Its not like theyre full size calenders that they hang on every wall. Theyre just little 4" or so ones that they keep on their tool boxes/carts and are only visible when the top is flipped up.

By the time she got settled in, I was across the shop doing some brake work. I noticed her tool cart was open and theres a giant decal of 2 of those bathroom ladies holding hands on the flip up top. I had guessed that she liked the ladies by the way she dressed (short short hair, hat, boy shirt and pants) but didnt want to assume anything. She came over to ask my opinion on the car she was working on. I helped her out and went back to my brakes.

bathroomgirl.gifA little bit later she was waiting for parts and came over and started chatting. This is always a little odd for me. Im not a friendly person. It takes me a little longer then most people to feel comfortable engaging in small talk. I do fine with simple question and answer scenarios but if I have to put effort into it, it doesnt go well. Then theres the fact that most new people dont like me at first. (By my own making.) Then the good ones realize that Im an asshole to everyone and dont hate me (mostly) anymore. While we were chatting it was revealed that both our wives work during the week and it sucks that we have to work on the weekend.

I can only imagine what its like to be a woman in a male dominated industry. Ive had jobs where I was the only boy working the position (prostitution is a tought industry to get into) but I never felt I had to prove myself anymore then anyone else did. So far shes proven she knows what shes doing and she has an easy going attitude. Shes probably one of the best new employees since Ive been working at this store. Not to mention the fact that when you get closer to her cart you notice she too has a little girlie calendar.


slipperyamoeba said...

Good post. Narrative and introspection. Just thought it deserved at least one comment.

i SiN said...

fresh meat.

how is the new girl worken out?

64tacos » Sweet Loretta Martin Thought She Was a Woman said...

[...] this post I talked about how there was a new girl at work and that she seems like shell be a good employe. I [...]