Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Fat Bottomed Girls

9430724.jpgI got my bike out of the storage closet this morning to go to work and the tire was flat. Jaime was long gone, so I went to the Jiffy Lube around the corner to see if they could fill it up. It wouldnt take air so I rode to work on a flat tire, which was not fun.

I tried to patch it at work, but it didnt take. I should say... Before leaving I grabbed an old tube and a patch kit and tried to fix the old tube at work because the one on it was destroyed by the time I got to work. But the patch didnt hold. It would hold air while I was on the bike but if it just sits there it loses air.

After work I went to the REI by our old aptartment and got 2 "slime" tubes. I havent put them on yet. Hopefully theyll be better then the originals and the replacement one I got at target.


i SiN said...

Is it extremely expensive to just go buy a new tire? All that running around and spending moneys on the quick fixes just doesn't seem worth it. 3
sorry to hear about the assy day though.

Stemshul said...

Ummmm, no. Its not extremely expensive to buy a new tire (or tube as the case may be). Which is why I did do that, just like I said I did. "After work I went to the REI by our old aptartment and got 2 “slime” tubes." All the "running around" was to facilitate getting to work and then to the store afterwards. Not as an effort to save money.