Sunday, November 18, 2007

Horse Trailer Player of the Game

Were watching the Bills get their asses handed to them by the Patriots right now. Its pretty amazing for the first half but after the Pats have completely 20-week1-bufne1.gifdestroyed the other team the second half of the game is boring. If only there were a way to ensure that the main, big, prime time game was a good one. Oh wait, there is, its call flex scheduling, and its what brought us this crappy game.

Last year the league, in the interest of having the best, most relevant games be in prime time, instated a new scheduling format. From week 11 on, the best game of the week would be chosen for the big game. Well for some god forsaken reason they chose a game whos score is now 56-10 with 4 minutes left. By no means is this the best game. Both the other games we watched today were good close games and were relevant to the playoff race. This game isnt. Eveyone knew that the Patriots were going to destroy the Bills. EVERYONE.

Dont worry, next Sunday the Eagles will have their chance to get their asses kicked by the Patriots in prime time.

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