Friday, April 11, 2008

I Can Design an Engine 64 Miles to a Gallon of Gasoline

0037-01funny_image.jpgOn the way home from the grocery store we were listening to the radio. A song came on that neither Jaime or I had heard before. It caught our attention instantly. After the first verse had finished we both thought we were listening to Cake. It didnt seem right though. The singers voice didnt match. The music was spot on though. After the song finished I was certain Id just heard the best song Ive heard since Crazy (Gnarls Barkley style). As it turns out, the song is called Handlebars and is by a band called Flobots, not Cake. Im probably not going to buy the album. Im definitely not going to steal the album. I might download from the iTunes the song. Its pretty cool.

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