Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas: Its not Just for Christians Anymore

Because I couldnt really figure out what this post was about but still felt like I had to argue or disagree or perhaps agree with it, here you go...

Christmas is three things and people choose to observe them to varying degrees. First and formost Christmas is the celebration of the birth of baby Jesus and his coming to earth to save us from our sins. Second, Christmas is a time to gather with loved ones. Third, it is a time to give gifts.

People in North America who get upset that their company has a Christmas party are idiots. The whole "holiday" swap is about as stupid as calling French fries Freedom fries. You dont have a holiday tree. Its a Christmas tree. You dont put a pine tree in your house and decorate it for Thanksgiving, New Years, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or Boxing Day. You do it for Christmas, baby Jesus or no baby Jesus.

There is no reason why a non Christian family cant celebrate Christmas. As I stated above, in addition to a really big birthday party, Christmas is a time to spend with loved ones and give gifts. Our economy depends on it. What I would find strange would be an NCF that has a manger scene in the front yard, or giving birth in a stable. Those parts of Christmas shouldnt be observed by non Christians.

I dont know why it would be difficult for someone to explain the manger scene. Its a depiction of the birth of baby Jesus. Thats what it is regardless of weather or not you believe that Jesus was born or not. Just like Peter Pan and the Vietnam war. Weather or not you believe theyre real has nothing to do with explaining what they are.

So Bri, Im not sure if I agreed with you or disagreed with you but Im pretty sure someone is upset. (Though I dont know who.)


katohater said...

For me, Christmas is about NOG. I could give a shit about that other stuff.

brienne said...

I never said that Jesus didn't exist. In fact, I completely believe he lived. I'm just not a Christian. And trying to explain a virgin birth to a 6 and 4 year old, when you don't believe that is what happened is a bit crazy. How do you explain magic to a kid when you don't believe it's magic at all?

There are plenty of other religions that decorate trees this time of year, including many who are Jewish. And decorating trees originally celebrated the winter solstice. Having nothing to do with Christmas. Therefore, I think I find it annoying when people get upset over the use of the term Holiday Tree. Sure we use a Christmas Tree in our house but I don't care if other people have holiday trees. It's not hurting me, so why be bothered by it.

I am fully aware that my post will piss a few people off. And I am okay with that. I think we need to stop celebrating Christmas in our house and celebrate Santa Day. Maybe then I can piss off the rest of mine and Neil's families as well. It would be fun!

Dave said...

Happy Santa Day!

katohater said...

And the war on Christmas has begun. Bring out the Super Soakers filled with Egg Nog, baby.