Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Its Like Beating a Unicorn to Death with a Bag of Rainbows

We took Jackie B to the doctor for his 15 month the other day. We were a little worried because we dont have insurance anymore. That wasnt going to stop us from getting our little man taken care of though. So, without insurance a routine Drs apt with vaccinations, costs out of pocket about half of what it cost us when we did have insurance. All that time, when I was doing things right, had the "good" job with the health care which was eating up nearly 25% of my take home, only to have to pay about a bazillion more in copays and then by the time my deductible was met for the year the year ends. FUCK YOU!

1 comment:

katohater said...

So the solution is to NOT have health insurance. Why didn't I think of that?! Quick, stop congress from passing that bill!

Flexible spending accounts are a good way to go. The only problem is if something catastrophic happens, but what option do you have if you can't afford health insurance anyway.