Monday, September 24, 2012

The Voice

I think the thing Im going to like the most about this Nexus tablet is the voice to text feature. Right now Im typing this whole blog with the voice to text feature and only the voice text feature.* As I speak, the words are being displayed on the screen. I have been using this feature on my Droid x2 smartphone. It feels more accurate on the Nexus 7. perhaps because it is running Jelly Bean. Right now I'm going to go check the text to talk to see how well it understands what a 3 year old is saying. Jack: "mama" What he said was "hi mama" but I think he may have spoke before the mic was ready. I've been debating whether I should get a keyboard to go with this but with the voice to text recognition I might be alright without one!

*I did go back and fix the punctuation.


chooiegoos said...

What's with Big Boobs McGee in all your photos?

Stemshul said...

Long answer is blah blah blah blah blah.

Short answer is I like boobs.