Saturday, November 09, 2013

Wii Fit U

The new Nintendo Fit game is out. (Play it!) Its only available for download right now, but its free! You download it and then have 30 days to use it (you do need to have a balance board). If you like it, you just buy the little pedometer (a pedometer is a device that counts your steps, not your trustworthiness around children) that they make, the Wii Fit Fit Meter, for $20 and then you get to keep the game, forever.

Ive been using it for a week now and have lost more than 3 pounds. Its not much really, the first 10 are always easy for me. Hopefully this new game will keep me motivated to keep at it. Its really exciting to see how far Ive walked every day and how much altitude Ive climbed. There are also a lot of new activities that I really enjoy.

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