Sunday, June 27, 1999

First Date

I just got home from what I’m going to call my first date with Jaime DeBruin. I picked her up from her parent’s house and we went over to my place to watch Scarface with the intent of counting how many times the word "fuck" is said. Someone told me that Blink 182 is named that because fuck is said 182 times in Scarface. Dan was home and sitting in the middle of the couch and was too dense to realize that he should move so I could sit next to the pretty girl I just brought home. Oh well. So with Dan and I on the couch and Jaime on the chair we count. I think we counted 174 fucks.

After the movie was done Jaime and I went up to Denny's for a quick bite. It’s about 10:30 at this time and she has a midnight curfew. As we talk I realize something. This girl is much more than just a pretty face. She’s amazing. Everything about her is interesting. I hope she knows were on a date.

Well shit, its 11:50 and I have to bring her home. On the way I miss her street and wind up in a cul-de-sac. As I drive past her street I realize that I missed it and say "that was your street wasn’t it?" She says (as I’m about to turn around in the undeveloped, dark cul-de-sac) "I thought you had ulterior motives." Well I didn't but as I look over at her she’s smiling at me in a way that tells me I should. I stop the car right there, lean over and get stopped by the seatbelt. Mother fucker. Jaime laughs and leans in to me and gets stopped by her seatbelt. My foot’s on the break. IDIOT. I put the parking break on and we try again. To this day I don’t think I’ve been a part of a more passionate kiss than the first kiss I shared with Jaimelyn DeBruin. It was incredible.

I’m pretty sure she knew we were on a date.

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