Monday, November 04, 2002

Merry go round (retro)

Just so you know we're working on the basement again. Until something is completed though I thought I'd share an old grade school memory with you. Old grade school memories will be seen in this color from now on.

When I was in grade school we didn't have much of a playground. We had an old metal slide, monkey bars and a merry go round. If you were one of the cool kids then every recess you would run out side and grab a hold of the merry go round and push. Nobody would be riding the merry go round. It was more of a tug of war game. Some people would push clock wise while others pushed counter clock wise. Most days the merry go round would move no more than an foot or two in either direction. There were however those days where one or two people would all of the sudden switch sides and those who were originally on their side would now be getting trampled by their classmates. What happened to the good old days.

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