Saturday, July 02, 2005

I turned on the lights, the TV and the radio

We just finished watching the movie True Romance. It wasnt the first time Ive seen the movie and hopefully wont be the last. This blog post is not about the movie. Its about the medium that it was watched on, VHS.

I had a long sorted story about why we watched a VHS version of the movie all typed out but then deleted it because it was long and boring. Youre welcome.

As I keep trying to write this blog and then delete what Ive just written because I just sound like The Jew, I realize that I dont have much to say on the matter. In the end what I want to say is that VHS sucks and DVDs are one of the most amazing technological advancements of the 20th century.

This shitty post took me 48 minutes to write.


katohater said...

thank you.

the reason why you sound like the jew is because you are trying to describe too much. i.e. trying too hard. this isn't journalism, it's journalizm. see? right there, i originally misspelled journalism with a 'z' and then i immediately used it to my advantage. you gotta roll with the punches. you gotta own your mistakes.

for instance, when you said you had a "long sorted story," i think you meant "long sordid story." but it's funnier the way it is.

when it comes to blogging, you have to be more natural about it. you just have to take your pants off and relax. let the posts flow from your fingertips.

shedubeard said...

I love condescendence. It's so demeaning to both the irater and recipient.

katohater said...

i love people who use big words to make themselves sound smarter.

also, i thought i was being constructive with my criticism.

i guess i should stop trying to help people.

"In this life, it's not what you hope for, it's not what you deserve - it's what you take." -Frank T.J. Mackey

shedubeard said...

I love people who quote movies to make themselves feel clever; though I hate people who try to regurgitate someone else's wording to be funny only to completely miss the comedic irony.


Anyway, I beleive I was mostly making fun of myself. Mostly...

I guess I should stop trying to help people.

stemshul said...

I guess you guys should get over yourselves and be nice to eachother once and a while. Bitch!

stemshul said...

Oh yeah, I didnt mean sordid. I didnt know that word exsisted until everyone started getting all critical (constructive or regular type) about this post.