Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Youve Been Oriented

That was very odd. I went to this "orientation" just now. Orientation which according to the hr lady was about 3 hours long and started at 5. (An hour ago.) I waited for them to figure out what i was supposed to do, then some guy comes over and offers me a lolly pop and takes me to the meeting room. He explains that hes not sure which videos Im supposed to watch (and yes i am the only person being oriented) so well watch "this 1". He puts the video in and it starts playing and he talks throught the whole thing all about himself and Arizona. Then after the video ends he tells me all about the illigals and how they all carry guns and how its suicide to flip 1 off. Finally, when theres a brief brake, I stand up and then he says I can go. Wierd.

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