Monday, April 02, 2007

Bid de Bid de Bop

dawnwells04.jpgTheres something about the 1 hit wonder thats facinating. With great frequency someone (usually me) will bust out the Final Countdown at work. I cant turn Radar Love off while Im in the car, no matter how late I am. Then theres the ever pressing question: "How Do You Talk To An Angel?"

On the way to work the other day another favorite popped into my head (and into my heart). Us3s Cantaloop. This song makes me so happy. Its all the "Jazz" anyone really needs. (I like the Jazz and all people but do we really NEED it?) I decided to look it up on the onlines and found this. Enjoy.


i SiN said...

funky, funky..

katohater said...

the only jazz anyone needs is miles davis. have a cup of bitches brew and you'll know what i'm talkin' 'bout.