Monday, January 07, 2008

Rainy Days and Mondays

bike-rain-roof1.jpgI woke up at 640 when my alarm went off. It was ridiculously dark in the apartment. Other then a small night light in the bathroom, we dont keep any lights on while were sleeping but usually by the time my alarm goes off the sun is thinking about rising and in Phoenix that means that its bright out side. Well Im pretty sure the sun was thinking about rising but the sky was covered by clouds and it was raining. Jaime was at work already and I had to bike to work in one hour.

The dogs and I went for a nice wet walk and then I got ready for my ride. Well the ride was uneventful. The rain had cleared for a little while and I got wetter from the road then I did from the sky. This city isnt made for rain, and understandably so. Why would they put money into the infrastructure to handle an event that doesnt happen but a couple times a year and really doesnt have any devastating consequences.

At work we were dead. People dont go out in the rain here. They dont know what to do when it rains. The few who do venture out wind up crashing their cars. Its worse then getting a blizzard in MI. One of the things I appreciated the most about our trip home was the ability of other people to drive in adverse weather. Here you cant get anywhere because theres an accident on every road. And the few roads that dont have an accident are flooded, not because it rained a lot but because it cant drain anywhere.

It was nice to have a rainy day. Clouds filled the sky for the entire day. The sun did peek through a couple times but it was covered up quickly. I think this is the end of it for the next six months but thats OK. At least I know whats coming.

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