Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Eight Days a Week

americanidol.jpgThe idols have finished singing their Lennon/McCarthy songs. A couple of them were really good, Particularly Chikezie and Brook White. Brook has, since the top 24 took the stage, been the best girl on the show this year and continues to be one of only two girls worth listening to. The other being Amanda Overmyer. I guess you could argue that Carly Smithson can sing but looks like an old bar hag. You know what I mean. Shes only 24 but looks like shes been drinking and smoking for 40 years. I know its supposed to be about their singing ability but frankly theres not enough there for me to get past the fact that she looks as though she might cast a spell on me. The other three girls are pretty much filler. Ramiele and Syesha are void of any tangible personality and Kristy Lee Cook, while being the only girl whos strikingly beautiful, is useless as a singer.

The real talent this year on the American Idol is on the boys side. Michael Johns is my favorite. I love his voice. Not to mention the fact that he doesnt look like hes a cannibal. Which brings me to David Cook. Sure he can rock it out and thats refreshing on this stage but I think someone should let him know that being an ugly Scott Stapp isnt going to get him very far. Or at least it shouldnt get him very far in my opinion. I already mentioned the surprise awesomeness the Chikezie layed out this week. Now he had the place rocking and it was awesome. I didnt have very high hopes for him originally but after that I might have to change my mind. Jason Castro and David Archuleta disappointed this week. Both have been quite promising but Jason was boring and Archuleta forgot the words and as Simon put it was a complete mess. Oh yeah, David Hernandez sang too. I almost forgot because it was the least memorable performance from the least memorable performer on the stage.

While Archuleta was definitally the worst performance this week I feel that Kristie Lee Cook should be the one to leave. Sure he forgot the lyrics and came tumbling off the pedestal he had been put on but at least he was deserving of being on a pedestal. Shes proven that she has no stage prescience and compared to her counterparts isnt that great of a singer. I wouldnt have a problem with Hernandez, Syesha or Ramiele leaving either but for me it should be Cook.

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