Monday, April 28, 2008

Flight of the Navigator

map.jpgI got up early on my day off so that I could have the Jeep. After dropping Jaime off at work, I had some time to kill. The Jeep has a GPS navigation system but for one reason or another, Saturday night they were unable to get the map disc for us so I had to get it on Monday. I was supposed to see "Billy" to get the disc and then he was going to show me the service area. OK, whatever, I dont need to see it but if Billy is the one who has access to the nav DVDs then Ill stop by Monday to get it from him. Jaime had to be to work by 7 and her work is about 5 minutes from the dealership. Billy however was not going to be in until 8 or so. Rather then drive 25 minutes home only to then leave 10 minutes later, I decided to get some breakfast. Theres a Wendys right by the school so I felt I should try their new breakfast. I wasnt very impressed. Its hard to tell if the food was the problem or if it was that particular Wendys. At any rate, after breakfast, I went to get my DVD. Billy wasnt there when I got there so I waited around for a little bit. Salesmans trickled in for the next 20 minutes. Eventually I asked if Billy had shown up yet and was told he would be in around 830-900. I explained my situation and the guy got me my disc. Im pretty sure they could have gotten the disc Saturday night. Im pretty sure that they held out on me so that wed have to come back and see the service department. Im pretty sure I dont care because now I have a built in GPS navigation system in my new car.

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